September 11, 2021, Speaker Event
WHERE: Virtual, via Zoom (link provided by emailing Please put “Galaxy Meeting” in the subject line. Also, the meeting will be in person (masked) in the Pioneer Room at the Norman downtown library. We look forward to seeing you in person or on Zoom!
WHEN: 10:00 a.m. on August 14, 2021
Darleen Bailey Beard is the author of several children’s books, including The FlimFlam Man, Twister, and The Babbs Switch Story.Darleen graduated from the University of Oklahoma in 1986, with a degree in Professional Writing. One of her professors said “Anything worth getting is worth busting your butt over.”
“He was absolutely right. Everything worth getting does take a lot of hard work to achieve. I remind myself of this when I have to edit and edit and edit my books before they go to print. Writing is the easy part. But editing takes time and that’s what I’ll talk about—how to edit your manuscript to make it stronger in today’s competition. These are editing techniques that will work for all genres.”