Galaxy Meeting: 

WHEN: June 8, 2024, 10 a.m.-12

WHERE:  The Well, 210 South James Garner Avenue, Norman, OK (Zoom available).

WHAT: Presentation by University of Oklahoma Professor Emeritus Geary Hobson

Geary Hobson champions his Cherokee-Quapaw/Chickasaw heritage. He is a poet, short story writer, novelist, and literary scholar. He was among the first professors in the U.S. to teach Native American literature. He helped establish the Native Writers’ Circle of the Americas (NWCA), an international consortium of Native and Non-Native writers and scholars. In 2003, he received their Lifetime Achievement Award. His written works include:

  • Deer Hunting and Other Poems, 1990
  • The Last of the Ofos, 2000 (novel)
  • Plain of Jars and Other Stories, 2011 (short stories)
  • The Road Where the People Cried/ nunna da-ul Tsunyi, 2020 (poetry)
  • A.B.C. (novel)
  • Down Arkansas Way and Other Stories

Galaxy Meeting: May 11, 2024, 10 a.m.-12 Noon 210 South James Garner Avenue, Norman, OK 

SELAH HIRSCH is a brand strategist who has worked with more than 200 companies and nonprofits, helping them strengthen the way they talk about what they do, how they do it, and why it matters. Her work in brand development brings energy and vision to assist people in confidently communicating their work. Selah’s website is


WHEN:    April 13, 2024 (Business meeting is at 10:00 a.m.; speaker begins at 10:30 a.m.)

          WHERE: The Well, 2010 James Garner Ave, Norman, OK

   SPEAKER: Shel Harrington

Shel Harrington is a humorist who writes for a (chronologically!) mature audience at and on her Fat-Bottom Fifties Get Fierce Facebook page.


WHEN:    March 9, 2024 (Business meeting is at 10:00 a.m.; contest winners will read their winning entries at 10:30 a.m.)

    WHERE: The Well, 2010 James Garner Ave, Norman, OK

Howard Finn Stein is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, in Oklahoma City.  As an applied psychoanalytic, medical, and organizational anthropologist, psych historian, and poet, he is the author, co-author, and/or editor of 33 books, several hundred articles, and several hundred poems. 


                                            FEBRUARY 2024 MEETING

WHEN:    February 10, 2024 (Business meeting is at 10:00 a.m.; contest winners will read their winning entries at 10:30 a.m.)

 WHERE: The Well, 2010 James Garner Ave, Norman, OK

SPEAKER: Mike Swain is currently in his 41st year of teaching classical literature and creative writing. He’s writing NevЯland, an Apocalyptic threebook series about a world where everyone over 18 years old vanishes. He also uploads stories to Substack and a new platform called Ream.   


WHEN:    January 13, 2024 (Business meeting is at 10:00 a.m.; contest winners will read their winning entries at 10:30 a.m.)

    WHERE: The Well, 2010 James Garner Ave, Norman, OK

 COME JOIN US on December 9, 2023, at 11:00 a.m.

WHAT: We’ll gather for food and fun at our annual potluck Christmas luncheon. Please bring either a salad, vegetable, or a dessert. We’ll announce our 2023 contest winners and award them their certificates and cash prizes. Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend. We’ll also be installing our new officers for 2024.  We look forward to seeing you.