The updated rules for the annual contest of the Norman Galaxy of Writers will be discussed during the business meeting. Tom Barzak will be the featured speaker. The entire meeting is via Zoom, and Galaxy members will be sent a Zoom invitation.
Thomas Barczak is an artist, turned architect, turned author. His work includes the epic fantasy fantasy novels, Veil of the Dragon, and Mouth of the Dragon, the Kindle serial, Awakening Evarun, along with work in multiple anthologies, including the award winning Heroes on Hell series, created by Janet and Chris Morris. His latest published work is the short story “Souls of a Lion,” in the anthology “Heroika: Skirmishers.”
In regard to his Galaxy topic, Mr. Barczsk said:
Well, all I can say is its 2020.
Not a bad year for me so far. Got another short story published and in print. Hoping to finish my third novel by years end. I was hoping I’d already be done by now, but I’ve found that it has been increasingly hard to write lately.
So how does one write best in a pandemic, recession, political division, protests, increased racial tension, job loss, financial insecurity, murder hornets, and all the other, what are now, more seemingly mundane insecurities?
And what does it mean to write your best?
What is best?
Well, I personally believe it all comes down to the willingness to write badly. I’m also pretty sure I’m not the only one walking through this right now. I’ll share my experience and tips with all of this, but I also want to hear yours.
I have a feeling that together, we might just find the answer.