September Norman Galaxy of Writers Speaker Meeting
When: Saturday, September 14, 2019
Business Meeting begins at 10:00 a.m.
Speaker Meeting begins at 11:00 a.m.
Feel free to attend both or just the speaker meeting.
Please note the new temporary location while the library is in the process of moving to the new building:
Where: West Wind UU Congregation, 1309 Boyd Street, Norman, OK
Hope to see you there, and bring a friend!
Structures: Deep, Deep, and Deeper.” That’s what we’ll discover by following
Dr. Chris Carter’s lead through Katherine Mansfield’s story “The Daughters of
the late Colonel.” He will illustrate several of the kinds of structure at work
in a piece of fiction. And you’ll have your own copy to do it with at the
meeting. But before that, you can download and read the story on Google.
“We will find structures more or less on the surface,
measurable by clock and calendar, and we will find deeper psychological and
archetypal structures, not so easily marked off by any standard,” Chris
promises us. “But even the comparatively shallow structures involve time, and
nothing has deeper roots than our sense of time. Mansfield is particular good
at crafting a story using some of all of this.” And maybe you will be, too,
after spending time with Chris Carter.
Chris Carter
is from Oklahoma City and a graduate of OU. Although his work took him to several other states, for the past six years, he’s
been at the University of Oklahoma, lecturing in the Department of English
and the Osher Lifelong Learning institute.